We have entered the season known in the church as Lent. It lasts from Ash Wednesday (this year the day before Valentine's Day) to Maundy Thursday which falls on March 28th. During this time we get together on Wednesday nights for food and worship. If you haven't joined us before, it would be a great time to do so as all of us get together at one time as opposed to two services.
In thinking about this time of Lent, sometimes people get kind of anxious or worried. When I was growing up, people used to struggle mightily with what they would "give up" for Lent. In our family, it was usually candy, as that was something we loved to indulge in, and would show our devotion by not having rotten teeth for a few weeks. But I have begun to evolve in my thinking about "Lenten discipline" and have decided instead to give in to things. No, not to candy (although I do still love it). Instead I have decided that giving in to Lent involves helping out with the Lenten plays we have as part of our worship. It involves teaching on Sunday mornings. It entails trying to think less of myself and more of others. I am not trumpeting my devotion, I'm simply saying that instead of that inward denial that seemed to be part of my Lenten season every year, I've decided that outward reaching and embracing could be more rewarding than anything I've done before.
How about you? What have you decided? Will you be giving up or giving in? It doesn't matter really what you decide to do, even if you decide not to do anything. The only real important thing to remember is that we are all joined together this season. Getting together for reflection, meditation and food, too! So I hope you will join us. And just in case, don't bring any candy. I might decide to give that up as well!