I heard a song over the airwaves yesterday evening. It was sad, melodic and I hadn't heard it in a very, very long time. I knew the song and it had sweet significance for me. My father died many years ago of cancer and this song reminded me of our conversations about music and things we loved in the dark watches of the night before he passed away. He was brought back to me for just that little while so strongly, it was almost breath taking.
Have you experienced this? This breath grabbing feeling? Most of us have at least once experienced it. It could be anything from the first time you see your child do something daring to riding a roller coaster just before you plunge down after the highest peak. Have you ever felt this with your faith? Something so important or grace-filled that it takes your breath away? What happened? And do you still remember it?
Breath taking moments in faith don't come along every day, I would venture to guess. Most of the time we walk along our everyday lives without too conscious thought of God or what He has done in our lives. But if you take a walk outside and see the myriads of birds or the hundreds of flowers or even see the tiny little fish swimming in the local watering hole, it's pretty amazing! And if you also take a moment or two to see the diversity of people walking around; no two look the same, even identical twins! And no two personalities are the same. What marvelous works the Lord has done!
Take some time today to ponder the multitude of blessings and diversity which surround us, no matter the weather. No matter where you are. Give yourself a breathtaking moment in time. Just for today.