Welcome to our blog! This is a place to share ideas, thoughts, concerns and joys of our faith journey. I'll be posting sporadically, but hope you will feel free to comment and join in the discussions.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

After Easter

It's easy to believe in God after Easter. When the sun is shining and the tulips are open and the air is sweet with the smell of Spring. It almost feels like heaven on earth! The problem comes when the sun isn't shining. When there aren't any flowers. When the world around seems dark and dangerous. I think it might be human nature to fold into yourself then. My mother called it, "circling the wagons", when you protect yourself and pull into yourself and hide. No one gets in when you do that.

But, God is so much bigger than the dark days. Opening yourself up to the One who loves you more than you can imagine, can give you a better sense of peace than relying on yourself. Yes, the world can be a scary and sometimes dangerous place. But it also a place where God's people dwell. Where fellow human beings lift you up, sometimes even carry you over those rough places. Being a Christian means that there is a community to support you, to welcome you, to listen to you when the rest of the world seems to have "circled the wagons" against you!

There's nothing wrong with watching the television news to find things out, but remember to tune into the Good News as well, to hear about the enduring love and grace given to us as a gift from God. And when you can again see the flowers, feel the sun on your head like benevolent hands, and hear the birdsong, remember The Lord of all is with you ALL the time. And that is something to believe in.

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